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- /* EventLoop.h */
- #ifndef Included_EventLoop_h
- #define Included_EventLoop_h
- /* EventLoop module depends on: */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Menus */
- /* Screen */
- /* Memory */
- /* MyMalloc (for debugging) */
- #include "Screen.h"
- /* these are the possible events that can occur. note that only some of the */
- /* parameters may be valid for certain events */
- typedef enum
- {
- eNoEvent EXECUTE(= -4412), /* Window, X, Y, Modifiers valid; Window == active or NIL */
- eKeyPressed, /* Window, X, Y, Modifiers, KeyPressed valid */
- eMouseDown, /* Window, X, Y, Modifiers valid */
- eMouseUp, /* Window, X, Y, Modifiers valid */
- eCheckCursor, /* Window, X, Y, Modifiers valid; Window == active window or NIL */
- eMenuStarting, /* Window, Modifiers valid */
- eMenuCommand, /* Window, Modifiers, MenuCommand valid */
- eWindowClosing, /* Window valid */
- eWindowResized, /* Window valid */
- eActiveWindowChanged /* Window valid */
- } EventType;
- /* keyboard modifier bits */
- typedef enum
- {
- eNoModifiers = 0,
- eShiftKey = 1,
- eControlKey = 2,
- eCommandKey = 4,
- eOptionKey = 8,
- eCapsLockKey = 16,
- eMouseDownFlag = 32
- } ModifierFlags;
- /* special key return values. these values must not change */
- #define eCancelKey (0x1b)
- #define eLeftArrow (0x1c)
- #define eRightArrow (0x1d)
- #define eUpArrow (0x1e)
- #define eDownArrow (0x1f)
- /* forwards */
- struct MenuItemType;
- /* initialize internal event loop data structures */
- MyBoolean Eep_InitEventLoop(void);
- /* dispose of any internal event loop structures */
- void Eep_ShutdownEventLoop(void);
- /* Fetch an event from the event queue and return it. Only some of the parameters */
- /* returned may be valid; see the enumeration comments above for EventType to see */
- /* which. Mouse coordinates are always local to the current window, or undefined */
- /* if there is no current window. If there are no events, the routine will return */
- /* after some amount of time. This routine may call the Menu manager, so menus */
- /* should be initialized before this routine is called. Any parameter may be passed */
- /* as NIL if the user doesn't care about the result. Window changes do not occur */
- /* if the mouse is down. If the current window is a dialog box, then a window */
- /* change will never be returned for another window. Mouse up events are always */
- /* returned with the same window as the mosue down event, even if the mouse is no */
- /* longer in the window. */
- EventType GetAnEvent(OrdType* Xloc, OrdType* Yloc, ModifierFlags* Modifiers,
- WinType** Window, struct MenuItemType** MenuCommand, char* KeyPressed);
- /* set the amount of time to wait for an event. The default is 1/4 of a second */
- /* time units are in seconds. */
- double SetEventSleepTime(double TheSleepTime);
- /* allow other processes to run in a cooperative environment and test for the */
- /* user cancel signal. A return value of True means the user wants to cancel */
- MyBoolean RelinquishCPUCheckCancel(void);
- /* allow other processes to run, but only a little bit. Return value of True */
- /* means the user wants to cancel */
- MyBoolean RelinquishCPUJudiciouslyCheckCancel(void);
- /* read the system timer (in seconds). The timer returns real time (not process */
- /* time) but not relative to any known time. The value may roll over from an */
- /* undefined large number to 0 */
- double ReadTimer(void);
- /* find the true difference between two timer values even if one has rolled over */
- double TimerDifference(double Now, double Then);
- /* get the current mouse position, relative to top-left of current window. If there */
- /* is no current window, the results are undefined. Either of the parameters can */
- /* be NIL if the user doesn't care about the result. */
- void GetMousePosition(OrdType* Xloc, OrdType* Yloc);
- /* read the state of the modifier keys on the keyboard. On systems that don't */
- /* allow this, the function may return the modifiers as they were at the last */
- /* known time */
- ModifierFlags CheckModifiers(void);
- /* set an implementation defined version of the specified cursor */
- void SetArrowCursor(void);
- void SetIBeamCursor(void);
- void SetWatchCursor(void);
- void SetCrossHairCursor(void);
- /* set the cursor to the image and mask specified. If the implementation's cursor */
- /* is larger than 16x16, then the adjustment is implementation defined. On the */
- /* Macintosh, cursors are 16x16, so no adjustment is necessary */
- /* the most significant bit of the word is leftmost */
- void SetTheCursor(short HotPointX, short HotPointY,
- unsigned short CursorImage[16], unsigned short CursorMask[16]);
- /* get the number of seconds to wait before toggling an insertion point */
- double GetCursorBlinkRate(void);
- /* get the maximum time between clicks for which they are considered a double click */
- double GetDoubleClickInterval(void);
- /* emit a not too annoying beep to indicate an error occurred */
- void ErrorBeep(void);
- /* enable or disable error beeping. True enables it. the old value is returned. */
- MyBoolean SetErrorBeepEnable(MyBoolean ShouldWeBeep);
- /* this is an internal routine -- don't use */
- void Eep_WindowDying(WinType* Window);
- #endif